Choir Church Finale demo

Feed Us, Lord

Brand-spanking new (as of 2 mintues ago), here’s a communion anthem for SATB choir and piano. As usual, I have virtually guaranteed that it won’t be published by composing a simple anthem with an unusually difficult piano part.

There’s a story about Beethoven in which he turns to a violinist who is complaining about some fingerings and he says, “Do you think I worry about fingering when the muse strikes me?” I wouldn’t go that far, but I think there’s certainly some room to challenge the church pianist a bit. Let me know if I’m being unreasonably cruel to the pianist in this piece. Come to think of it, we’re doing this song at COS on February 11, so I’ll let you know if I have a pianist mutiny.
Feed Us, Lord (pdf)
Feed Us, Lord (mp3)

3 replies on “Feed Us, Lord”

My wife, Amy, wrote the above comment. She thinks that “Feed Us, Lord” sounds suspiciously like a certain pop song. (I’m not going to tell you which one.) I think there is a passing resemblence at one point, but nothing to worry about. After all, there are only so many combinations of notes, so there are bound to be moments of similarity. Now, if it were as obvious as the connection between “Louie, Louie” and “Wild Thing” or as derivative as “Be Unto Your Name” is to the “Flash Dance” theme, I’d be worried.
Can you help us settle this dispute? Do any of you hear any troubling plagiaristic tendencies here? Feel free to leave a comment.

Wanted to help on the dispute but cannot connect to music. . .actually I tried several links on your blog but could not connect. Is it something wrong I’m doing??

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