In a past post you read the story and heard a solo version of my 1986 song “55 Feet.” I recently entered a fuller version of the song in the National Speleological Society Cave Ballad contest. (Yes, there is such a society, and such a contest.) I just got word that I won 3rd place. The judges felt it was “good but grimness detracts from appeal.” You can listen to it in all its grimness here.
I think of this as a work in progress. In this particular case, the progress started over 20 years ago. (Yikes. Am I really that old? No wonder I’m having a mid-life crisis.) This is just a rough mix. Stay tuned for a full CD of this and other musical tales of the depraved human nature–including my own.
By the way, special note to the judges and my wife–I know that one’s sweat can’t drop to the floor when one is 55 feet underwater. That’s because the narrator is no longer underwater when he’s telling the story. However, I don’t feel at liberty to say where the narrator is or what he’s about to do, because that would be far too grim.
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And I have no comment on your comment. So there! (Hey, I wrote this song over 20 years ago, cut me a little slack.)