Rock and/or Roll

Spring Cleaning: Don’t Go Away

Even though it’s a frigid, blustery evening in Grand Rapids, I hereby declare it Spring. So let the spring cleaning commence! Over the next month I will clean out my musical cupboards–perhaps even air some dirty audio laundry–in order to make room for exciting new projects that are currently in the works. You will hear recordings that span some 25 years, in styles ranging from high brow art music to juvenile rock and roll.

Let’s begin with the juvenile rock and roll. “Don’t Go Away” was written my sophomore year of college, and remained one of my hits for another decade. (By “hit,” I mean I played it multiple times, once or twice at people’s request.) People are often surprised when I tell them that rap has had a huge influence on me, but this is proof positive that it’s in my blood. Then hacks like Jason Mraz come along 2 decades later and act like they invented acoustic rock rap. Listen and weep, Jason.

2 replies on “Spring Cleaning: Don’t Go Away”

Are all 30 of you singing, because I might get tired of hearing you. Nah! let yer rip, I want to hear all 30! Jason is crying.

Hope you are well.

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