Arrangement Church Congregational Songs Global

Arabic Lord’s Prayer, piano arrangement

One of the songs I arranged for Global Songs for Worship was the Arabic Lord’s Prayer (aka “Abana Alathi Fi Ssama,” also know as “Abana in Heaven”) from Egypt. For a song that I was told “would never be sung in North American churches,” it’s done pretty well for itself, appearing in Psalms for All Seasons, the forthcoming Lift Up Your Hearts, and churches and conferences across the country.

For those collections I arranged it with a drone that made the haunting melody sound even more, well, haunting. But Egyptians are more likely to sing it accompanied and in more of a folk style, so I decided to write a piano arrangement along those lines. We sang it a few weeks ago at COS, and it went swimmingly. Because this version has a stronger rhythmic backbone, it helps the congregation stay together. Take a listen: MP3. If you’re interested in seeing the music, just email me.

10 replies on “Arabic Lord’s Prayer, piano arrangement”

I have been living in Palestine for the last 20 years. Last August I was asked to sing the Lord’s Prayer during a national conference on “Walking with Palestinian Christians for Holy Justice and Peace. ” I sang it from memory having learned it long ago. Since the conference I have been asked for the music or a video of the worship service during which I sang it. I have neither, nor can I find either one via the web. Your website is the closest I’ve come. Is it possible to get a copy of the music from you? I’m happy to pay a reasonable amount. (I assume your name is on the arrangement for credit purposes.)
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.
Janet Lahr Lewis, Methodist Liaison to Palestine and Israel

I have the music for the Arabic Lord’s prayer but only the melody. Is the drone that you added equivalent to a harmony? A friend of mine wants me to sing it at her wedding and I would love to find some sort of harmony.

Hi Greg,
I’m the worship assistant at Covenant CRC in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and we’re looking at introducing this song to our congregation. I’m wondering if you could send me the file for the alternate piano accompaniment you created?

Dear Greg, could you, please, send me the simple music sheet (notes) for this beautiful prayer? I am a nun (consecrated religious) and it is hard for me to buy it online. I would appreciate it very much.
Sr Agnes

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