

Last night I headed to Calvin College’s art gallery to record a quartet of high schoolers playing Ravel’s string quartet in F. It was truly amazing what these kids could do. At the end of the recording session I asked if they’d be willing to read through a little something I wrote. They were good sports and good readers.

Take a listen/look to/at “Idiot.”

And no, I’m not sure where ideas like this come from. One minute I’m going about my business and the next I’m singing a little tune that implicates all of humanity in a conspiracy of idiocy. The real sick part of it is when I sit down and arrange it for string quartet…

9 replies on “Idiot”

Caleb, if I were to add the word “too” at the end, it would break one of the fundamental rules of great art: leave them wanting more. Of course, this is not great, so maybe I’ll add it.

This is great! (As I type this, Josh is singing another of yours – “I have other interests..”). I “looked” before “listening” because I figured perhaps you had a video. So I was surprised to find the string arrangement of a song called “idiot”. But it is so pretty, and the lyrics really work with it. (It is not a sentiment with which I am unfamiliar). Really fantastic playing for high-schoolers on their first sitting. I’m not entirely sold on the musical dangling participle “id-i-ot” ending on the supertonic. My kids are desperate for the word “too” after “and that would make you and idiot”.

Just listened to this in Honolulu. LOVELY to hear while looking at the ocean. Can’t comment yet on the lyrics except to ask for much much much more music.

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