O Lord May Your Kingdom Come (Isaiah 11)

Update: Sheet music for this song is now available at gregscheer.com.

Sunday evening was Church of the Servant’s Lessons & Carols service. In it we sang a new song based on Isaiah 11: the peaceable Kingdom. The song was an East/West collaboration between Pakistani Eric Sarwar and me. He wrote the music based on the shiv ranjni raga and I wrote the text and arranged it for the instruments we had at our church. We called it “our experiment,” as we navigated between our music cultures. We decided after the service that the experiment was successful. It was a beautiful statement of longing for God’s promised Kingdom, which at times we can almost taste and other times seems very far off.

Very far off indeed. Today on my way to work I heard reports of a Taliban attack on a school in Pakistan that left 141 children dead.

It seems appropriate to post this song on a day that we pray, “The babe in arms shall fear no harm from the snake or the adder. O Lord, may your Kingdom come.”


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3 Responses to O Lord May Your Kingdom Come (Isaiah 11)

  1. Amy says:

    Really nice. (Your site is yelling at me for my comment being too short.)

  2. Alison Adam says:

    Hi Greg (and Eric) , yes its a great collaboration. Very plaintive and prayerful. What a gift to be able to work together in this way. I look forward to more creativity.

  3. Pingback: O Come, Holy Spirit (Sarwar) | The Musical Diary of Greg Scheer

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