Jesus Lives, and So Shall I #1

As Easter rapidly approaches, many worship planners are simply trying to survive Holy Week. But Sundays will keep coming, and you need to have a plan for Eastertide! Don’t Worry. I have you covered. Over the next three days I will be unveiling my new Eastertide song(s) “Jesus Lives, and So Shall I.” “Why ‘song(s)’?”, you ask? Because I have actually written three different versions of the same song. Here’s how it happened:

I was searching for songs for Easter and beyond and noticed how many songs are perfect for Easter Sunday but don’t fit the week after. (“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” for example.) Practically half of the New Testament is devoted to understanding the implications of the resurrection for the believer, so where are the songs about dying to self and living for Christ, etc? Then I came across the hymn “Jesus Lives, and So Shall I.” Loved it. I printed off the words, headed to the piano, and wrote a new melody for the text. Then I tweaked the text fairly substantially. Then I had doubts about the melody. Then I composed a new melody. Then I decided I liked both. Then I thought it would be fun to write a third melody and let people choose which version they like best.

Little did I know that my humble trio of melodies was up against such formidable competition: Crüger, CPE Bach, Green Carpet Players, ChurchFolk, and Nathan Partain. Feel free to check their fine renditions, but make sure you come back over the next few days to hear my other two versions of the song. I’ll give you a chance to vote on your favorite in a few days.

1. Jesus lives, and so shall I. 
The sting of death is gone forever.
Jesus lives—the One who died 
the bands of sin and death to sever.
God has raised me from the dust:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

2. Jesus lives! My soul revived
when Jesus called. I was awakened
from my sleep to glorious light;
the shroud of death my Lord has shaken.
From the grave God raised me up:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

3. Jesus lives! New life begins
within this heart so long in slavery.
From the crushing weight of sin,
my God’s strong arm reached down and saved me.
Each new day brings grace enough:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

4. Jesus lives, and nothing now
can separate me from my Savior.
Earthly pain nor Satan’s power
could never cause his love to waver.
Those he’s found are never lost:
Jesus is my hope and trust.

Awake, my soul.
Awake, my soul.
Your Savior calls—
calls you to rise with him this dawn,
calls you to life within God’s love:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
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One Response to Jesus Lives, and So Shall I #1

  1. Pingback: Jesus Lives, and So Shall I #2 | The Musical Diary of Greg Scheer

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