The people have spoken, and the people have decided that “True Tenor” is the most worthy tune to be paired with the lyrics “Jesus Lives, and So Shall I.” For those of you who like statistics, the voting results are below. For those of you who like music, you can print this PDF leadsheet and sing the song in your congregation on Sunday!

#1 has a melody that I could sing comfortably right away. // #1 just sounded a little dated to me. // One thing that turned me away from the More Cowbell version was the way the rhythm makes me hear “so shall I” –> as “social eye.” Once I get something like that in my head, it’s hard to let it go. 🙂 // It sounds a little like Eagle Eye Cherry’s “Save Tonight.”

A bluegrass house banger // I like the country/folk feel of #2. // You had me at Wang Chung

#3 has a reverence that I am drawn in by. // I can imagine #3 in a church setting more than the others because it is more similar to other songs // #3 is more reverent // I like the energy of the first two, but the third is the one that connected with me the best. Its the one I that made me think about the words, and the one that hit my “worship time” nerve.
Here are some of my favorite general comments:
- The good news is that I can totally see each of the arrangements being used at different churches. The bad news is that you sound nothing like Chris Tomlin.
- You need to use another cover pic. This one is nice but perpetuates the White Jesus myth. [Interestingly, this comment came in while I was at a cultural bias workshop where we spent time discussing this very issue.]
- Nope. I hated them all and wish I could take back the time I spent listening to them to take the nap I was going to take.
- Joanna says “I think one of them should be disco inferno.” So there is some solid feedback from a four-year-old. [My business manager’s daughter has sophisticated taste in pop music!]
1. Jesus lives, and so shall I.
The sting of death is gone forever.
Jesus lives— the One who died
the bands of death to sever.
God has raised me from the dust:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
2. Jesus lives! My soul revived
when Jesus called. I was awakened
from my sleep to glorious light;
the shroud of death He's shaken.
From the grave God raised me up:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
3. Jesus lives! New life begins
within this heart so long in slavery.
From the crushing weight of sin,
God’s arm reached down and saved me.
Each new day brings grace enough:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
4. Jesus lives, and nothing now
can separate me from my Savior.
Earthly pain nor Satan’s power
could cause his love to waver.
Those he’s found are never lost:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
Awake, my soul.
Awake, my soul.
Your Savior calls—
calls you to rise with him this dawn,
calls you to life within God’s love: