The next Pilgrim Psalm is 121. This is a beautiful Psalm of protection that begins with the words, “I lift my eyes up to the hills.” I already have two songs based on this Psalm: “My Keeper” and “Lift Your Eyes Up to the Mountains!” (a translation of Seong Sil Chung’s song).

In keeping with my Pilgrim Psalms project, this new version is simple enough that it can be sung without musical notation, as it is written in a leader/echo format which makes it easy to learn: simply listen and sing back.
Attentive listeners may discern a new voice in the mix. Usually, I sing all the vocals and harmonies because, well…I’m always here. But on this demo, my son, Theo makes his singing debut as part of the echo chorus. The afternoon we were recording, a sudden thunderstorm hit. I opened the window and recorded a few minutes of the cacophony, deciding later that it fit the song perfectly!
Raising my eyes to the mountains for help,
but the God who made the mountains is greater still.
God will guide me on my way,
through the dark of night and heat of day.
God will take my hand
when I journey out or return again.
God will guard my life always.