Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” Surely there is a foreshadowing of Jesus’ words in Psalm 131, which is all about child-like trust. Not only does Psalm 131 portray our faith as childlike trust, but it portrays God as motherly.
In keeping with this mother/child image, I wrote this song as a lullaby. The chorus is a bed of “wait, hope, trust, rest in the Lord.” On top of that rests a simple, quiet melody sung to God.
If you follow this blog attentively (and why wouldn’t you?), you’ll remember that I set Psalm 131 to music previously. It is interesting to compare “Close to Your Heart” with this new song. I’m not sure if the differences reflect a fresh reading of the scripture, a distinct musical context, or a different time of life.
Wait for the Lord.
Hope in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord.
Rest in the Lord.
1. For you know that my heart is not proud, O Lord,
and my eyes don’t look down with disdain.
I’m not anxious for what is beyond my grasp
or I don’t yet understand. I will rest in the Lord.
2. But I quiet my soul and I still my heart,
like a child in her mother’s arms.
Like a child, I’m content in the here and now
and have hope forevermore. I will rest in the Lord.