Category Archives: Rock and/or Roll

Greg Scheer, Live at the Morris Inn, volume 2

Here are the rest of the songs I recorded last weekend while at Notre Dame. Please listen with gracious ears–there are lots of musical warts. “Everything to Me” is a song I’ve sung a million times at coffee houses and … Continue reading

Posted in Demos, Rock and/or Roll | 2 Comments

Greg Scheer, Live at the Morris Inn

I attended a conference at Notre Dame this weekend. In my spare time I annoyed people at the Morris Inn by recording some songs in my room. I’ve only had time to gussy up two of them so far: “Silent … Continue reading

Posted in Demos, Rock and/or Roll | Leave a comment

True Confessions

The new year is a good time to reflect on one’s life. A few years ago some of my reflections turned into a song named “True Confessions.” This recording is from a chapel at Northwestern College. I’m on vocals and … Continue reading

Posted in Live, Rock and/or Roll | 2 Comments