Choir Church

Every Valley

Last night at Church of the Servant we had our Lessons & Carols service. (You can read more about the service at the COS worship blog.) One of the songs the choir sang was my composition “Every Valley.” This is one that I’ve done before, but it was great to do it again, especially because Jordan Clegg was singing the solo part. He rocked, as did Carol and “The Little Choir that Could.”

Every Valley is part of a set of pieces tentatively titled The Christmas Canticles that are written for solo, choir, piano, rhythm section and horns. I’ve already completed Every Valley, Blessed Be, and My Soul Will Magniy the Lord. Someday I hope to complete the canticles with a Gloria and Nunc Dimittis, but it will have to wait until some imaginative and well-endowed choir commissions me. (Hint, hint)

Until then, take a listen to Jordan Clegg, the COS Choir and Carol Rienstra (piano) performing Every Valley.

2 replies on “Every Valley”

It was great to sing for you. It is always and honor to sing an original piece with the composer conducting. Thanks again for asking me Greg!

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