Simon, Theo and I created a Lego movie on Saturday to go with my new Google Me! song. Amy chose not to take part in this Scheer family work of art, saying only “If I tell you what I think of the song, it’ll sound mean.” Hrrrmmmph. We’ll see how she feels about the song when the boys and I are eating at a fine Grand Rapids restaurant after winning the GR Google video prize while she sits at home by herself eating tuna from a can.
Do us a favor and go to YouTube to give this a 5 star rating. If you’re feeling really inspired, leave a comment like “That’s really cool and should win the prize!” or “After seeing this video how could Google resist coming to Grand Rapids?!!” or “This is a lot better than Amy said!!!” or “The song is still pretty annoying, but Simon and Theo’s Lego artistry is off the hook!!!!” (Multiple exclamation points optional.)
3 replies on “Google Me! The Movie”
Mobilizing the troops against my artistic instincts, huh?
What can I say? The people have spoken. And the people say: “GOOGLE ME!”
Well folks, the judges sided with me. The boys and I won a dinner at Brick Road Pizza! We’re still deciding whether we’ll take Amy with us…