Here I go again.
TV Commercial: Our client is looking to license a song that has lyrics based the idea of letting your light shine, or being a star (not in the sense of being a rock star). Looking for a song with a great chorus that conveys this idea. Needs to be something more on the contemporary side. Looking for something that is pop, rock, indie rock etc. It could have some electronic elements but it is not a requirement. No hip hop or country. Needs to feel new, fresh and have a great catchy hook. Genre: Various (Pop / Rock / Indie Rock / Something Unexpected
When I first read this, I did what I always do: I ran through a mental list of my existing songs or recordings that could work, then I started to brainstorm ways of approaching the project. In this case, it led to some free form guitar-playing around the song “This Little Light of Mine.” As I came up with new chords for the old Sunday School classic, it began to morph into something new. Late Friday afternoon I laid down all the tracks in two hours. (Kind of freeing to work that quickly.) Two more hours on Saturday and the tracks were clean and the basic mix was in place. Another hour of critical listening and tweaking early Sunday and then I sent it off between church services before the noon deadline. The life of a musician is so glamorous!
Take a listen to Shine.
3 replies on “Shine”
Wow, I’d love to see this sync’d to video. I like the swirling vocals — gave me the feeling of light shining in multiple places. I especially like the verse. Hope you get the gig.
As being a Beginner, I am usually looking on line for articles or blog posts that will assist me. Thank you
Leah, I don’t know if this is what you mean, but if you’re looking for a blog or site that will be a great resource for learning and building both your heart and skill as a Christian songwriter, I have yet to find a better site than this.