Arrangement Church Live Psalms

O God of Love (Psalm 120)

I’m a song maven. When I find a song I like, I make a point of sharing it with as many people as possible. If the song comes from a pop or global context, the sharing process often includes arranging it so that the pianists in my own church can lead it.

A while back I wrote two piano arrangements (one hard, one easy, plus SATB) of Bruce Benedict’s setting of Psalm 120 (via Isaac Watts), Thou God of Love. I’m pleased to say that Bruce’s song (and my arrangement) ended up in Psalms for All Seasons and the Choral Scholar CD, Cry Out to God.

Recently we sang the song at Church of the Servant on a Sunday that included a string quartet, so I whipped up a string arrangement. It’s simple, but it worked really well.


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