Still moving along on my One Long Year project. Coming into Fall, with just a few more “months” to go. If you want to get the larger picture, check out the overview: The short version of the OLY project is that the protagonist’s life is unraveling and we hear the musical echoes of this, without knowing exactly what the details are. This somewhat new territory for me, so I’d love feedback on the song or the larger project. Or just listen: All Hallow’s Eve, MP3
Don’t want to go to bed
Don’t want to go to bed tonight
I’m tired to the bone
But I can’t bear to be alone with them
The voices in my head
The voices in my head
The voices in my head begin
to sing a song of woe
as if I hadn’t heard them all before
The past begins again
Saints and sinners branch from the family tree
Connect my roots to the dirt of our history
Bitter fruit from which I’ll never be free
The past possesses me
The past possesses me
The past begins again
The past begins again in me
It’s like I’m destined to repeat
Each voice inside of me. I sing
The chorus once again. (CHORUS)