Category Archives: Quirky

Spring Cleaning: Warning

If you know the infamous PDQ Bach, then you know the geeky delight of classical music insider jokes. I decided to try my hand at creating a fictional composer, as Peter Schickele did with PDQ Bach. My composer’s name was … Continue reading

Posted in Art Music, Quirky | 1 Comment

Spring Cleaning: Camp-of-the-Woods Grace

I told you I was going to air some dirty laundry. Here it is: an early iteration of The Choir of Gregs. In this instance, we’re singing a song that I assume is called “Grace.” We sang it before every … Continue reading

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Revenge of the Killer Bs: Ridiculous Outtake

The Choral Scholars, Norma de Waal Malefyt and I produced a CD with 22 tracks (Cry Out to God!). But we also recorded all the “B Sides” you’ve been enjoying here over the last few weeks, as well as reading 200 … Continue reading

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Theophiles: Theo Dumb Dumb

Disclaimer: I did not make up the character Theo Dumb Dumb, nor did I endorse or encourage it. (Except writing this theme song…) I don’t know how the super hero Theo Dumb Dumb came to be, but it seems he … Continue reading

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Theophiles: Rubberbandman

When the boys invented Rubberbandman, I didn’t have the heart to tell them he already had a theme song. A good one. So I just went ahead and invented a new one. Make sure to listen for Theo’s narration in the … Continue reading

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Theophiles: Fartman

In our last three days of Theophiles, we’ll finish with three new super hero theme songs. Simon and Theo have been drawing lots of comic books lately. And what’s a comic book without a super hero? In this case, the super … Continue reading

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Theophiles: Jingle Bells

Are you ready to faint from cuteness? When Theo was three or so, I put him to bed and then about a half hour later I heard sounds coming from the room he shared with Simon. It’s not unusual for … Continue reading

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Theophiles: Yisha Boo

How long, you wonder, has this bath time songwriting been going on? This recording is from about three years ago, when Theo was five. For some reason he was saying the nonsense syllables “yisha boo” over and over again. I … Continue reading

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Theophiles: Who Is Dumb?

The Scheers are an affirming lot. That’s why bath time produces no Barney-style “You’re special” mantras, but instead a song called “Who Is Dumb?” This may never win the Scheers a spot on the Disney Channel, but it has a … Continue reading

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Theophiles: Origami

This summer, Simon and Theo would regularly drag chairs and a lemonade-style stand to the end of our driveway to hold a sale. It was never primarily about making money as much as holding an event. For example, one day … Continue reading

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