Category Archives: Quirky

2013 Spring Cleaning: Leave a Message

More fun with creative phone messages! This time it’s me singing a two-part counterpoint message inviting people to leave a message: MP3

Posted in Art Music, Quirky | 2 Comments

Again I Say Rejoice Again

I learned about Vine six second videos yesterday, and today started thinking about all the cool musical things that could be done with them. Problem: no iPhone. But on the way to Guitarchestra rehearsal this evening I began writing a … Continue reading

Posted in Congregational Songs, Quirky | 1 Comment

2013 Spring Cleaning: bass harmonics phone message

Back in the day (in this case, grad school at Pitt in the 90s), people had physical answering machines sitting next to their phones. This was one of the many inconveniences of living in pre-digital times. On the other hand, … Continue reading

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2013 Spring Cleaning: Special Soap

Today we commence what has become an annual event at Greg’s music blog: spring cleaning. Usually I post music I’m currently working on, but for the next week or so I’ll be posting rediscovered treasures from the vaults. We begin … Continue reading

Posted in Quirky | 2 Comments


Last night I headed to Calvin College’s art gallery to record a quartet of high schoolers playing Ravel’s string quartet in F. It was truly amazing what these kids could do. At the end of the recording session I asked … Continue reading

Posted in Quirky | 9 Comments

Father and Son Communications

After yesterday’s highbrow post, something s little closer to the earth: My youngest son, Theo, is kind of an air head. You tell him to get dressed and a few minutes later he wanders back having brushed his teeth. You … Continue reading

Posted in Quirky | 6 Comments

Laugh and Sing

Hot off the press and 34% more ridiculous than ever before: Laugh and Sing. I read the instructions for the week 4 FAWM challenge, Mix Modes, and I couldn’t resist. This is an utterly morose song on the theme of … Continue reading

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You’re Gonna Die (So Happy Birthday)

Some people might think that a birthday song that starts with the words “You’re gonna die” is inappropriately morbid. I, on the other hand, think that a realistic sense of our mortality leads to living a full, fruitful life. Wiser … Continue reading

Posted in Quirky | 3 Comments

2 Love Songs

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, and love is in the air. Also music. At the very end of yesterday and the very beginning of today I had some quick ideas that I recorded and uploaded to FAWM. Just in case you’re … Continue reading

Posted in Quirky, Rock and/or Roll | 3 Comments

Polyphonian Rhapsody

This is going to be one of the weirder things you’ll find here. And that’s saying something. Here’s the story: over at FAWM they issue a weekly challenge to spur creativity among the Fawmers. Last week’s challenge was to write a song … Continue reading

Posted in Quirky | 4 Comments